Friday, June 24, 2011

Let's take a Tour!

Hello All! Now that you've entered our humble town, let us show you our citizens! The tour consists of our largest stores and monuments, buildings and historical places.

First up is the oldest building in all of bean town. Some say it was the site in which Edward of Beans the 14th signed the document declaring the soil our town was built on "Top Soil"! Others tell a more dark tale which says that during the War of the Beans, it was used as a hospital for the injured and dying beans before they died and was the only building to have survived. Yet another tale says it was the first "can" (in human terms, prision) ever to be bean proof. Some elders say it contained such criminals as Al CaBean and Lee Bean. Come right this way, and take a look:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009